Thursday, January 01, 2004


Oh, you get the idea. 01/01/04. Amazing! Doesn't seem possible. But here it is. And I hope it's going to be a good one for you.

This new year presents a lot of challenges for me personally. Last year I showcased for music labels in Nashville -- that brought about my quick retirement from music. I say quick but actually I had spent a number of years in the field. It was a somewhat successful run. Few people have the opportunity to do what I have been able to do and I'm grateful for that opportunity. I wouldn't nearly call my run a success, but it certainly wasn't an abject failure. But now what?

That's what I've been asking myself since September when my showcase took place. I have been working on a political book, a screenplay, I own a registered TV show - I write constantly it seems and it's what I love to do. But many of these things (writing books for example) is no different from the music industry. You plod and plod along, continue to write and become better, and then you die - after which you're able to sell something, because people finally recognize your talent.

From this you may assume I have no talent really, but I've written with Grammy winners, and Dove Award winners, and top songwriters in various genres--so it's not as if I'm talentless, otherwise, those people wouldn't have even dealt with me. But what now?

I'm trying to decide. I say, "If I could do research and analysis of various markets, I'd be happy". Or, "If I could be the idea guy at a company, I'd be happy." This last one is more true than the former. But businesses don't need or want an idea man, no matter how good you are at innovation. "So I'll write advertising copy!", but I don't have an English degree, or any degree for that matter. Can't work for those places without one. "I'll freelance articles", but nothing I want to write about really matters-- to even me.

Ultimately, I just want to write. One day I'll finish my political book. One day I'll finish my screenplay. One day I'll write another song, probably a long time from now. One day I may take up art - do paintings and stuff. One day I'll make an attempt to sell my pilot to television.

"I'm still young" I say. But I feel like Hell a lot of times, so I don't know if I will get around to any of this -- I may not be around. But if I'm not around, then at least I will have another chance - like I said, appreciation comes after death for a writer, almost never before.

It's 2004. Maybe this will be the year I figure it all out. Maybe not.